Follow Our Journey Newsletter: EMS Spotlight

EMS spotlight and need for EMS services

Idaho Medical Academy as founded on the hope and goal that we could make a positive impact on the community we live in. While training EMT’s, medical assistants and phlebotomists in the Boise area is our expertise, we also are very proud of the far-reaching impacts of our company to the more rural areas of Idaho. 

Recently KTVB news came to our facility to learn more about how we are working with rural communities to train more people to work in the health care field, specifically EMS. Because we offer in person and online class options it allows people who live far away from our facility to get an education as well. All our staff is highly trained and knowledgeable, and we are working every day with rural EMS community leaders to make sure their employees have the knowledge they need to save lives.  

As a result of the KTVB story, representatives from the United States Senate also visited our campus to learn more about our program. They are interested in learning about EMS/ healthcare education in Idaho and are looking for opportunities to help fund development both in the classroom and in the field. It was exciting to show them around IMA and show them what we’re all about!  

We also wanted to take a moment to do a former student spotlight. Halina Cope graduated from Idaho Medical Academy’s EMS program. After graduation she went on to earn many more certifications in the outdoor search and rescue field such as water rescue 1 and 2, ice rescue and many more! She is now a sworn in member of the Lyons Fire Department and we couldn’t be prouder of the positive impact she has on the community!

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