Stop The Bleed

The Stop the Bleed course is a critical lifesaving program designed to empower individuals to be better equipped and prepared to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. This course teaches about recognizing life-threatening bleeding, how to properly use a tourniquet, how to pack a wound, and basic concepts of how to assist someone in need of medical care. With this program, individuals can become empowered with the skills necessary to react quickly in difficult situations and potentially save lives.

Recommended for construction workers, arborists, mechanical,  teachers, police officers, and any individual who wants to learn more than what is taught in a First Aid class on how to control bleeding.

Fee:  $20
Time:  Approximately 1.5 hours
Certification:  Course completion certificate.
Testing:  No testing required.

If requested, we can teach a private group class at your facility or ours for a minimum of 6 students and an additional $25 fee per group.  Visit our Group Classes here for further information.