Upcoming Phlebotomy Technician Classes

  • Phlebotomist Technician Course (Seats Available)
     May 6, 2024 - June 5, 2024
     6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

When requesting a payment plan, please choose the invoice option and finalize your registration. You can then give us a call at 208-996-9248 to set up the plan. Your seat is not reserved until payment is received. Space is limited and you will need time to receive your book. COURSE TUITION & FEES Tuition – (more…)

  • Phlebotomist Technician Course (Seats Available)
     June 10, 2024 - July 10, 2024
     6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

When requesting a payment plan, please choose the invoice option and finalize your registration. You can then give us a call at 208-996-9248 to set up the plan. Your seat is not reserved until payment is received. Space is limited and you will need time to receive your book. COURSE TUITION & FEES Tuition – (more…)

  • Phlebotomist Technician Course (Seats Available)
     June 25, 2024 - July 25, 2024
     9:30 am - 1:30 pm

When requesting a payment plan, please choose the invoice option and finalize your registration. You can then give us a call at 208-996-9248 to set up the plan. Your seat is not reserved until payment is received. Space is limited and you will need time to receive your book. COURSE TUITION & FEES Tuition – (more…)

  • Phlebotomist Technician Course (Seats Available)
     July 22, 2024 - August 21, 2024
     6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

When requesting a payment plan, please choose the invoice option and finalize your registration. You can then give us a call at 208-996-9248 to set up the plan. Your seat is not reserved until payment is received. Space is limited and you will need time to receive your book. COURSE TUITION & FEES Tuition – (more…)

  • Phlebotomist Technician Course (Seats Available)
     August 6, 2024 - September 5, 2024
     9:30 am - 1:30 pm

When requesting a payment plan, please choose the invoice option and finalize your registration. You can then give us a call at 208-996-9248 to set up the plan. Your seat is not reserved until payment is received. Space is limited and you will need time to receive your book. COURSE TUITION & FEES Tuition – (more…)

  • Phlebotomist Technician Course (Seats Available)
     September 2, 2024 - October 2, 2024
     6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

When requesting a payment plan, please choose the invoice option and finalize your registration. You can then give us a call at 208-996-9248 to set up the plan. Your seat is not reserved until payment is received. Space is limited and you will need time to receive your book. COURSE TUITION & FEES Tuition – (more…)