5 Common Mistakes Made in Emergency Situations

1. Lack of Communication When mistakes are made in emergency situations, it is often due to a lack of communication. During high-stress situations, it’s easy to assume that others know what you know and are on the same page, however not communicating effectively and clearly can lead to dire consequences in an emergency. Thoroughly communicate […]

Top 4 Things You Should be Trained on or Have Knowledge of as a Parent

1. CPR for kids and infants. Knowing CPR is a vital skill for an emergency. Before disaster strikes, be prepared by practicing chest compressions, opening airways, and rescue breathing. Know the difference between CPR for children and for infants. Because infants are so much smaller, it can be much easier to crack a rib while […]

Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

What Causes a Heart Attack? A heart attack happens when a coronary artery is blocked. This means that a blood clot is blocking blood flow to the heart, leading to tissue losing oxygen and dying. A majority of heart attacks are caused by coronary heart disease. This condition clogs the coronary arteries with plaques. Risk […]

What to Have in Your ‘On the Go’ Medical Emergency Kit

Be prepared for any medical emergency with an emergency ‘to go’ kit. Typically, kits should be packed to last up to 72 hours. Though your specific needs may vary, here are a few things that may be a good idea to include your pack:  Food and Water The essentials start with food and water. Ideally, […]

Most Common Injuries On The Trail & How To Deal With Them

Snake Bites Snakes bites vary in severity depending on the type of snake. The best things you can do are to cover the wound with a dry dressing, do not flush it with water, and position yourself so that the bite is below the level of your heart, if possible. Do not attempt to remove […]

Three C’s of an Emergency & Three P’s of First Aid

It can be difficult to think clearly in the midst of an emergency. Training your brain before you find yourself in a high-pressure situation may help you save a life or potentially help someone in pain. There are three basic C’s to remember—check, call, and care. When it comes to first aid, there are three […]

Outdoor Adventure Safety Tips

Be Familiar with the Area Though you may not have been to the area before, it is wise to familiarize yourself. Study a map or even Google maps before heading out on to your adventure. Explore with peace of mind when you have an idea of where you are and know important information like the […]

What You Need To Know About Heart Attacks

A heart attack is a serious medical emergency that occurs when blood is blocked from reaching the heart. Without needed blood flow, the heart cannot receive the oxygen it needs, and it will start to fail. There are a few warning signs that may occur before a heart attack. These signs should not be ignored […]

Basic First Aid Skills Everyone Should Learn

Having a knowledge of basic first aid skills could save someone’s life or your own life. These skills are easy to learn and recall in emergency situations. Basic skills like CPR, setting a splint, stopping bleeding in dire situations, are important life skills.  1. CPR Perhaps the most well-known, and most important first aid skill—CPR. […]

Why You Should Get EMT Certified

Thinking of getting your EMT certification? Emergency medical training can benefit everyone. As you grow your medical knowledge and better prepare yourself to calmly handle any emergency situation. Whether you want to work as an EMT or just add some helpful like skills to your repertoire.   Job Opportunities EMTs are always needed. Medical emergencies happen […]