Ada County Hiring Prep Course (WAITLIST)

Waitlist Registration

  • Interview Course
     January 29, 2025 - March 31, 2025
     9:00 am - 1:30 pm

General Waitlist – Dates TBD


Your seat is not reserved until  payment is received. Full payment must be made prior to the start of your clinical rotation.
Course Tuition and Fees
1. Tuition – $250
2. Total Course Cost – $250


Terms and Conditions

You understand that you are not registered for this Public Safety Interview Course until you have accepted the Terms & Conditions.

Idaho Medical Academy will register students aged 16 years of age with guardian approval.

It is your responsibility to determine that you have the physical, mental, emotional, and legal ability to safely participate in the program.

Idaho Medical Academy does not guarantee employment for its graduates.

You agree that full payment is due by the first day of class unless other payment plans have been approved by Idaho Medical Academy.

You understand that if you are granted any payment plan that your account must be paid in full prior to attending your scheduled course or receiving a course completion certificate.  You also understand that you are responsible for the total cost of the course unless you withdraw in accordance with this agreement.

A certificate of completion will be awarded after successful completion of the course.

You understand that it is your responsibility to obtain internet access in order to complete the course requirements.

You are responsible for your own transportation to the training facilities and all clinical sites.

You may voluntarily withdraw from the course with a request submitted in writing or by email to before course start.


By registering with Idaho Medical Academy, LLC (“IMA”), you hereby understand and acknowledge that the training, programs and events held by IMA may expose you to many inherent risks, including accidents, injury, illness, or even death.

You affirmatively assume all risk of injuries associated with participation in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) training, including, but not limited to contact with other participants, rigorous training exercises, including high heat and/or humidity, and all other such risks being known and appreciated by you.

You hereby acknowledge that it is your responsibility to report and communicate any physical and psychological concerns that might conflict with participation in activity. By signing on hereto, you further acknowledge that you are physically fit and mentally capable of performing the physical activity involved in IMA EMS training, programs and events.

After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of acceptance of your participation and IMA furnishing services to you, you agree, for yourself and anyone entitled to act on your behalf, to HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVE AND RELEASE EMA, its officers, agents, employees, organizers, representatives, and successors from any responsibility, liabilities, demands, or claims of any kind arising out of your participation in the IMA EMS training, programs and/or events.

By agreeing to the terms, you indicate that you have read and understand this Waiver of Liability. You are aware that this is a waiver and a release of liability and you voluntarily agree to its terms.

Disclosure Statement

You understand that Idaho Medical Academy LLC. is registered with the State Board of Education in accordance with Section 33-2405, Idaho Code. You also understand that the State Board of Education has not accredited or endorsed any course of study being offered

by Idaho Medical Academy LLC, and that these courses may not be accepted for transfer into any Idaho public post-secondary institution.